Modifying 'offline.html'

Discussion in 'Templates customization' started by pewe, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. pewe

    pewe Guest

    I want to modify the offline.html to contain more information to act as a printable 'order' to be sent with the cheque payment. This is sent to our accounts department for banking, and they do not have access to the system, and need to pass the information to the system admin for updating once the cheque is cleared.

    I want to include in the page the following details:

    The Payment#
    Customers real name
    Amount to pay
    The products purchased in this transaction
    The date/time the transaction was entered
    The customers e-mail address.

    Also if possible I want to display the amount to pay (price) showing the net amount and the tax as well as the total.

    Some of the above is not too difficult for me to figure out, but I need some assistance with the display of the 'product', formating of the date/time, and the splitting of the price to show the net and tax as well as the total.

    Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    {$member.name_f} {$member.name_l}

    {foreach from=$products item=p}


    unfortunately, it is impossibel to display tax information here.
  3. pewe

    pewe Guest

    Thanks Alex.

    Shame the tax can't be split as the document could then be used as an 'official tax invoice' too.
  4. English-Zone

    English-Zone Guest

    Thanks for posting that! I spent about half an hour trying to find the php tags for those fields. I have added them to my offline.html page as well. :eek:


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