Hi, I need a new payment plugin, is called MoIP: http://www.moip.com.br Here is an example on how it works (I added descriptions for the forms): Code: <form method='post' action='https://www.moip.com.br/PagamentoSimples.do' target="_blank"> <input type='hidden' name='id_carteira' value='user name on MoIP'/> <input type='hidden' name='valor' value='value, for example for R$ 99.00 it should be: 9900'/> <input type='hidden' name='nome' value='product description'/> <input type='image' name='submit' src='an icon image or any image here' alt='Click here to pay by MoIP' border='0'/></td></tr></form> Infos (in portuguese) for PHP: http://labs.moip.com.br/forum/showthread.php?30-Integra%E7%E3o-API-MoIP-PHP Is very similar to PagSeguro.
If this payment system works similar way as pagseguro, you can take that plugin as an example and develop new one based on pagseguro code. Or contact us in helpdesk we will help with that plugin development.
Hi Alexander, Thanks, I'll use the helpdesk, since is just similar (trying on development), but is not equal.
Olá freyesm,gostaria de saber se você conseguiu criar o plugin moip aqui para o Brasil.Se sim,qual o valor que você está cobrando? Hello Freyesm, I wonder if you could create the plugin MoIP here to Brazil.