Hi all, we are starting a new business venture of Monthly Vaping E-liquid (for those who don't know it its the liquid you put in Electronic cigarettes). the member will receive a monthly box of predefined flavours every month. we are still exploring the payment processor options but there is a main module that is required to make this work: when a user try to subscribe there are few things we need to know before we can start sending them their liquid we are looking to create some sort of a wizard to ask the user few quiestions something like zamplebox.com Vaping experience level: Nicotine level 3mg, 6mg, 8mg, 12mg... Favorite flavors: cream, apple, mango, cookie, nuts, coffee... Flavors i hate: mint, tobacco, coconuts... then we can create tags with flavors in the stock so we can match user selected flavours and stock. any ideas if Amember pro is the right solution for us and if yes how to get started with this please ? thanks..
It is possible to add as many additional user fields as you need and put it to sign up form. You can add additional fields at aMember CP -> Configuration -> Add User Fields and put it to sign up form at aMember CP -> Configuration -> Forms Editor I suggest to sign up for free demo and check how it works http://www.amember.com/amember/signup/demo