Most Important Folder Not Protected

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by relapse, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010
    After monkeying with a bunch of stuff last week, I now have the index of my forum being indexed by search engines and available to anyone who knows the link.

    The folder is definitely in the "protect content" list where it should be.

    Support made a couple of changes to the .htaccess last week, as did I.

    EDIT: Looking at .htaccess now it seems that is the issue.

    What I was seeing in that file last week is not there this week.

    I commented a duplicate line out to get everything working again, and it looks like support came back in and replaced the file with a new one because I do not see the commented line now.

    I am opening a ticket for this but it is the weekend and usually these guys do work. :p

    Anyone have an extra htaccess file with protected content laying around I could look at?

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