Hi, I was wondering if I can move all my old subscriptions to one subscription and forever hide it? Reason being is because when I started the website, I gave free subscriptions/signups with different stuff attached, now that I want to start charging which I have setup. However, I know I can hide my subscription by putting a negative number in the price group and all, but is there another way? I also use Paypal as my payment system. If I do move these guys, will they also be registered on the phpBB3 system if they weren't already? Because I believe I forgot to give that registered user access level on 1 subscription which has a few people. Thanks!
All my old subscriptions are free and lifetime memberships. So no one paid ever. Currently I don't have any subscriptions that charges anyone. Everyone has free lifetime memberships so far.
Use the mass subscribe in the products settings. Add them to a new product, and then make the product disabled. David