Hello quinttatro, Check your file config.inc.php in your aMember folder just to make sure you have edited all the required fields. This is assuming that you have duplicated your entire site over to your new servers. Lee
Code: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')){ define('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG', 1); ini_set('session.bug_compat_warn', 0); ini_set('session.bug_compat_42', 1); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); global $config, $plugins, $plugin_config; $pc = array(); // $pc['db'] = '341596_tickerdb'; $pc['db'] = '403841_database1'; // $pc['user'] = '341596_admin'; $pc['user'] = '403841_database1'; // $pc['pass'] = '[deleted]'; $pc['pass'] = '[deleted]'; // $pc['host'] = 'mysql4-6.wc1'; $pc['host'] = 'mysql50-25.wc1'; $pc['prefix'] = 'amember_'; $config = array(); $config['db']['mysql'] = $pc; $config['use_mysql_connect'] = 1; $config['root_dir'] = dirname(__FILE__); if (!strlen(dirname(__FILE__))) { die("Script cannot detect path to the script automatically.<br /> Please edit 0 <i>amember/config.inc.php</i> and replace line<br /> <b>\$config['root_dir'] = dirname(__FILE__);</b><br /> to <b>\$config['root_dir'] = '/home/user/public_html/amember';</b><br /> Of course, <i>/home/user/public_html/amember<i> must be replaced to the <br /> actual UNIX 0system path (not URL!) to aMember folder.<br /> "); } if (!defined('AMEMBER_ONLY_DB_CONFIG')){ require_once("$config[root_dir]/rconfig.inc.php"); } } This is my current config, minus some details. Am i missing something? This is in my aMember directory. Is this not the config I am suppose to change? If you look at the error you will see that it is still pulling from the old database. "qtatro_tickerville" I am not sure where this is coming from though because I have already went over all the configs for both EE and aMember. I was on the EE Forums and we did some tests to test the connection and everything was fine on their end, so they told me it must be in aMembers script somewhere. The database user has full permissions as well. We are thinking its a aMember issue because when you navigate to the site and try to login you are brought here: http://www.tickerville.com.php5-4.dfw1-1.websitetestlink.com/amember/login.php which is part of the aMember code. Any ideas?
Hi quinttatro, You might want to contact aMember helpdesk (they will need your server details) or myself, codeispoetry [at] amemberincremental.com (I will need to access your servers too), so that one of us can take a look at your stuffs. Lee
Okay well we switched over the DNS and now I can't get to the amember control panel at all anymore. http://www.tickerville.com/amember/admin/ I am still getting that same error. I will email you with the situation code, thanks for the help in advance.