Hi all. I have a support ticket active for this problem but I would like to get the responce from the forum. I am having a problem in getting my script to work correctly. Below you will see the changes I have made to signup.php. I have added: $coupin_no = $vars['coupon']; SEE BOLD BELOW $_SESSION['coupondis'] = $coupin_no; SEE BOLD BELOW $_SESSION['member'] = $member_id; SEE BOLD BELOW Those to session variables are used in the thanks.php script after payment has been processed. The problem I am having is the script works as required in FIREFOX 2.00.12, but not in MS EXPLORER Ver 7. If I use print_r ($_SESSION); at the start of the script thanks.php using FIREFOX, all the ARRAY variables are displays. But when using MS EXPLORER the ARRAY is empty. Can you think of a reason why this is happening? Any advice you can offer would be good. Again, many thans for your help and support with this matter. Best regards Dereck +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // do payment ! $product_id = $vars['product_id']; $login = $vars['login']; $paysys_id = $vars['paysys_id']; $coupin_no = $vars['coupon']; do { // to easy exit using break() foreach ((array)$vars['product_id'] as $pid){ $product = $db->get_product($pid); if (!in_array($product['scope'], $signup_scope_allowed)){ $error = _SIGNUP_INCORRECT_PRODID; break; } ////////////// check products scope } if ($error = check_product_requirements((array)$vars['product_id'])) break; $member_id = $db->check_uniq_login($vars['login'], $vars['email'], $vars['pass0'], 1); $member_id_exists = 0; if ($config['verify_email']) $vars['email_verified'] = -1; if ($GLOBALS['_LANG_SELECTED'] != get_default_lang()){ $vars['selected_lang'] = $GLOBALS['_LANG_SELECTED']; } if ($member_id < 0) { $member_id = $db->add_pending_user($vars); /* No unsubscribe new members! if (!$vars['to_subscribe']){ $member = $db->get_user($member_id); $member['unsubscribed']='1'; $db->update_user($member_id, $member); } */ $is_affiliate = '0'; //only member if ($db->get_signup_threads_c($is_affiliate) && $vars['to_subscribe']) $db->subscribe_member ($member_id, $is_affiliate); } elseif (!$member_id) die(_SIGNUP_LOGIN_EXISTS); else { $member_id_exists++; //we found existing user with the same params // then will clean CC parameters if any if ($config['allow_second_signup'] && $db->get_user_payments($member_id,1)) { } else { $member = $db->get_user($member_id); $member['data']['cc-hidden']=''; $member['data']['cc-expire']=''; $member['data']['cc']=''; $member['data']['cc_street']=''; $member['data']['cc_city']=''; $member['data']['cc_state']=''; $member['data']['cc_zip']=''; $member['data']['cc_country']=''; foreach ($vars as $k=>$v) $member[$k] = $v; $db->update_user($member_id, $member); } } if ($error) { break; } $price = calculate_price($product_id, $member_id, $vars, $prices); if ($GLOBALS['COUPON_CODE']) $vars['COUPON_CODE'] = $GLOBALS['COUPON_CODE']; $additional_values = array(); foreach ($payment_additional_fields as $f){ $fname = $f['name']; if (isset($vars[$fname])) $additional_values[$fname] = $vars[$fname]; } $additional_values['COUPON_DISCOUNT'] = $GLOBALS['COUPON_DISCOUNT']; $_SESSION['coupondis'] = $coupin_no; $_SESSION['member'] = $member_id; $additional_values['TAX_AMOUNT'] = $GLOBALS['TAX_AMOUNT']; $additional_values['TAXES'] = $GLOBALS['TAXES']; if (is_array($product_id)) { $product = & get_product($product_id[0]); if (preg_match('/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/', $product->config['start_date'])) $begin_date = $product->config['start_date']; /// fixed start date else $begin_date = date('Y-m-d'); $expire_date = $product->get_expire($begin_date); //yyyy-mm-dd $payment_id = $db->add_waiting_payments($member_id, $product_id, $paysys_id, $price, $prices, $begin_date, $expire_date, $vars, $additional_values); } else { $product = & get_product($product_id); if (preg_match('/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/', $product->config['start_date'])) $begin_date = $product->config['start_date']; /// fixed start date else $begin_date = date('Y-m-d'); $expire_date = $product->get_expire($begin_date); //yyyy-mm-dd $payment_id = $db->add_waiting_payment($member_id, $product_id, $paysys_id, $price, $begin_date, $expire_date, $vars, $additional_values); } +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Many thanks for any help you can give. Dereck
Hi all. I have been testing my custom script out on IE 6, IE 7, FireFox and Netscape The script performs correctly on IE 6 and FirFox but not on the others. Does anyone know of any problems IE 7 would cause. Many thanks Dereck