Multiple Directories On Cobalt Raq4

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by paride, Jun 3, 2003.

  1. paride

    paride Guest

    We already used locked area lite but we need something different now.
    Then we have a question for AMember features:

    Is it possible to give users the chance to enter multiple directories each one with his username/password?

    I mean: under we have 5 directories: course1, course2, course
    3, course4 and course 5.
    we need user John to use the same username and password to get access to
    course1 and course3 but not to the others. The user Mary should be able to
    enter course 4 and course5 with her username/password.

    Beside: did you test your software on cobalt raq4?

    Please I really appreciate a fast answer

    Best regards

  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Yes, it is possible and easy with aMember.

    Cobalt is not a problem as well.

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