Due to the fact that our domain name has several different potential spellings, we have registered multiple domains and pointed them to our site. Not only do we have the various spellings, but we also have the .com, .net, and .biz for each one pointing to the site to ensure that people will find us, even if they mess up the spelling or domain extension. During the purchase process for aMember Pro, the question is asked about what domain will be used for the installation. I'm not quite sure how to answer that, given that I will need the software to work no matter which domain is used. I obviously am not in a position to buy 8 or 9 copies for use on one Website. What do I do? -Tom
What you should be doing on all the mis-spellings (et al) is redirecting to the 'real' site, then you only have one set of files and one real domain. Larry
Hey Tom, You will need 1 aMember install on the site that "collects" all the traffic from other pointing domains. Does that make sense to you? Lee