could you let me know the meaning of each of these bits of data: a:6:{s:7:"i_agree";i:1;s:6:"status";a:3:{i:4;i:0;i:2;i:1;i:7;i:1;}s:9:"is_active";i:1;s:17:"signup_email_sent";i:1;s:6:"phone1";s:12:"987-654-3210";s:6:"phone2";s:0:"";} Specifically, I am looking for which piece declares the product that the member has signed up for. thanks, M
This is serialized php array. So in php you should do this: $data = unserialize($data); Then $data[status] will contain array of product_id=>status pairs
Hi Alexander, Thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately, I do not know what to do with your answer. Is there some place to put this to make it work, or some other page or code that is required? M
Before trying to explain what is your level of php coding? Serialise & unserialise are of the commands more advanced than the basic echo, print etc. A web tutorial on the subject is here that might help with the explaination.
I'd like to know how I could unserialize the data in the "data" field and display it so the info is more readable to non-technical users. Thanks. SM