Need an explanation of what e-mails are sent when

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by koedel, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. koedel

    koedel aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 14, 2011
    I'm having trouble configuring amember 4 to send a thank you e-mail to members when they join or renew. It sounds simple, but it seems there are at least 4 places to set this up, and none of them are working the way I would like. I see under Set-up/configuration::e-mail:
    1) Send registration e-mail - this appears to be triggered if someone registers, regardless of whether they've paid. I don't want to send an e-mail unless payment is received.
    2) Send sign-up e-mail - this appears to only send an e-mail if the person is subscribing for the first time. I want to send a thank you e-mail whether it's a completely new member or someone renewing their membership.
    3) E-mail payment receipt to user - I could edit the template here to send a "thanks for being a member" e-mail, but this does not appear to send an e-mail when the payment is added manually. We have some people mail in their membership dues, and it would be nice to have the welcome e-mail sent automatically whether the payment is manual or online.
    4)Under Protect Content:: e-mail messages, there is the option to set up an auto responder "immediately after a subscription is started". I had this option enabled, but we had a member renew her membership 3 months early, and she did not get a thank you e-mail. Possibly this is because her add-on membership doesn't start until her previous one expires in September? When I send a test e-mail, it arrives fine so I don't think the problem is with my basic e-mail configuration.

    If someone could supply a detailed explanation of what triggers each of these e-mail options to be sent, or what I am doing wrong, I would really appreciate it.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Payment receipt message should be sent even if you add payment manually. What aMember version do you use? Also how did you add payment exactly?
  3. koedel

    koedel aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 14, 2011
    We recently upgraded to amember 4. If I go to edit user:: payments:: select a product:: add access manually, it updates the status as active, but does not generate an e-mail. I did a test and did not receive an e-mail, nor is it listed in the mail queue log. Is there another way to add payment manually?

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