Need Customization - Groups Need to be able to add additional people

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by semne, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. semne

    semne New Member

    Nov 24, 2006
    I'm using amember for our organization that has various events people can sign up for. People can sign up and pay for each event, or they can become a member of our organization and register for events for free.

    Amember works well for me for most of all of the above as I have membership levels set as different products, plus each event is a different product. I have non-member sign-ups to events as one product, and member sign-ups to events as a different product. Again, that all works great.

    Here's where I run into a snag...

    Different levels of memberships enable a given number of people to attend any event for free. So for instance, an individual membership allows only that individual to attend the events for free, but a basic corporate membership allows 2 people to attend the event for free under that one membership sign-up. I have additional levels that allow additional people to attend.

    Currently, the only way I have found to sign up additional people from any one company who might have a corporate membership is to basically do it by hand. I create a login for the extra people, and then manually sign them up for free for the event, at the request of the corporate membership holder.

    This of course is not ideal. After doing this for the past 9 months or so, I can somewhat visualize what I need, and I believe it would be to have a corporate membership main login account for any given company, and then the ability to add names of additional attendees who may come. I would need to be able to set it so that only a certain amount of people could come to each event from any given company, depending on their membership level. So if they signed up 2 and their level was set for 2, they couldn't sign up any more (for free) for that event. It would be nice if they could register more people at the usual non-member price, however.

    So, my question here is whether something like this already exists for amember (last I checked it didn't) and if not, is there someone out there who I can hire to program this for me?

    The site is if anyone wants to see somewhat how it works currently.

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