Alex, help! I have put in a series of autoresponder messages for one of my products to be sent on sequence, but when I manually add someone to that product, the messages are not sending? Any help? i.e.: I added myself and I am not getting the message sequence - at this point I should have gotten the message send immediately on signup and the day 1 and 2 messages. I've gotten nothing. Laura
Do you have external cron job configured and working? Also, have you tested email sending method? Do you receive any other emails from aMember.
Cron job is there. Not sure if it is working? Any way to manually run the cron job? I have tested email sending. It's fine. I am getting the initial log in info email from the system, and all test emails, just not my autoresponder sequence. Had no problems with this in v.3 Submitted a ticket.
You can manually trigger the cronjob by calling the URL If you are unsure your cronjob is triggered from the webhosting, setup a cron at
I tried that, but it is not working? It just gives me a blank screen: OR Also, I did set up a cron job at amember as well. Still nothing working!
Ok now I have gotten one email (the day 27 one because I had put the start date at apr 1) but still no email for the one that was supposed to be sent immediately on signup. Do I need to change that one to a 1 instead?
OK, now that part is working, but I am now getting a bunch of bounce-back emails: Domain has exceeded the max emails per hour (110/100 (110%)) allowed. Message will be reattempted later I spoke with my hosting company, and this is a rule for spam (100 emails/hour), and cannot be changed. Will the 100+ returned emails really be sent later? Is there a way to check whether a specific user has gotten them or not? Laura
Theres a chance the host has deleted the over 100 emails.... V4 has an email queue setting and theres a 3rd party mail q for 3.x. But 100 emails / hour is really stingy- consider changing hosts... David