New Index.html

Discussion in 'Setting-up protection' started by TheWayOfLight, Jul 17, 2003.

  1. I read on one of these threads that I need to put a new index.html page for each protected folder. Are you seriously telling me I need to now break all the site up into different index.html sections for it to function. I can't write a path like this to a protected folder named member?

    this.html NOT being index.html and the pages move from the already specified paths within the protected member folder.
  2. abbeyvet

    abbeyvet New Member

    Feb 2, 2003
    You don't need an index.html, you can call your pages anything. You are protecting the directory /member/ and all inside it.

    However it is good practice to have the main page in any directory the index page. That way people using the URL will get to it.
  3. Thanks - good advice on the index page.

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