New username and password not being accepted. Hi, I have installed the amember software and I have the following question/issue. I am running phpwebsite as the main site and set up a branch site for the members area information. It is in a separate directory in the public_html directory. I set up the amember software in yet another directory. Now, my question is this. phpwebsite has an admin area that will be used for making changes to the site, the branch site also has an admin area. I am finding that after I set up the branch site's directory as a protected area, that I now cannot login to the admin section of the branch to make changes to the site. I have assigned a user to the members area of the branch and the same user to the admin section of the branch site. Each time I try to access either section via login, it kicks me out or won't accept the login information. I have installed the trial version of amember to see if this software will work adequately for my client. I have also setup a user for just the members area of the site and I am having a problem logging in with the new username and password. Any information, help and insight will be appreciated.