New Usergroup upon buying a subscription (IPB) and IPB subscription conversion Just one thing I need to confirm before purchasing: Can aMember move an IPB member to a different usergroup within IPB after purchasing a subscription in aMember?
Excellent. Does this ipb plugin cost extra? I looked on the Jlogica website but couldn't really find any info on it. Also (and maybe this should have gone in a new topic), but can I convert all my existing IPB subscribed members to aMember, or will I have to manually add them?
I have a help sheet for conversion, it is not for the faint hearted though. Most people have read the instructions and then asked me to do it for them it is in my old dox system (new one is still being built). Take a sedative before reading (mine is port).
Ok, many thanks for that! I've got a test server with a copy of my forum on it, so I think the plan of action will be to install the demo of aMember, and try and get it working exactly as I need it.
Definitely .. never ever try to do it for real without working it all out play-wise first. I still use my list when I do one for someone else there is too much that could be forgotten.