New users imported through CSV don't get their additional subscriptions

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by andres, May 4, 2011.

  1. andres

    andres New Member

    Feb 23, 2011

    I have CSV of users I need to import into aMember. All of these new members get a subscription that includes other free suscriptions. If I add a new member manually and then assign this subscription, the other additional subscriptions are added accordingly; it works fine. However, when I load new members through CSV and assign them the same exact subscription in the process, they don't get the additional subscriptions!

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Additional subscriptions will not be added because all hooks are disabled in import, to optimize import process speed. Use aMember CP -> Manage products -> Mass subscribe to add additional subscriptions after import.

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