When I try to sign up for a newsletter through amember/newsletter.php I get a Warning on the next page which is listed below. How can I fix this? Thanks. WARNING: Cannot find applicable e-mail template for [verify_guest,en,,] in line 238 of file newsletter.php
In amember\templates\ you should have a file named email_verify.html. You should check that a) it exists b) the permissions are set correctly if it does not exist, reupload it from your original amember .zip file.
email verify template permissions what should the permissions of the email verify template be set to?
If it is there you should be ok. To be honest, sorry, I think I may have led you astray a little. In re-reading your error message, perhaps a better place to check is: Admin CP -> SetUp/Configuration -> Email -> Verfiy E-Mail Address On Signup (click "Edit Template"
but in the cp it says that it needs templates/email_verify.txt there is a email_verify.html but not .txt. where does that file come from? my checkbox is checked in the cp thanks for your help
ok i got it go to setup/config>advanced and scroll down tot he bottom of the page and see where it says do not confirm guest subscriptions. click the edit email template make sure to include the {$link} so they have something to click on. i wrote the same thing as on the template to verify subscribers (setup/config>email and look for verify email address on signup. click that link and write the same thing for the guest email. ok so now the problem is- how do the guests get the newsletter? will amember send it to them automatically? that has not happened for me yet. it has also signed up my test guest 5 times.
I have tried to making both emails the same but I still get the below error. If I choose "not to confirm newsletter subscription" everything works fine when I sign up for a newsletter. But if I choose to "confirm newsletter subscription" it gives me the error. WARNING: Cannot find applicable e-mail template for [verify_guest,en,,] in line 238 of file newsletter.php