I am not getting any error codes but when a user signs up they don't seem to get assigned a product id as they should basically it just allows the user access to memebers.phpbut noit the protected areas. it even says "You haven't active subscriptions" any idea on how to fix this?
hello just paypal and free at the moment. free is what I am testing and getting no subscription paid for. the isntall is located at http://simplecpanel.com/amember/
Most possible during setup you have enabled mode that admin must approve free signups manually. In this case it is supposed to works so - admin must go to payment editing screen and mark it as completed. Not very useful in real life... I don't know why you enabled it
1. FTP to your site, and go to aMember/ folder 2. Download file config_plugins.inc.php 3. Find line $pc['admin_approval'] = 1; and replace it to $pc['admin_approval'] = 0; 4. Delete file config_plugins.inc.php on the server 5. Upload changed file to the server.