I want to always have my menu showing at the top of my pages using frames. I have two sets of menus though, one for members and one for non members. I only am using the two frames in my pages though, one for the content and one for the menu. How can I, after login, tell the pages to each load different pages. and vice versa, after they hit logout, I need to load two different pages, one for each frame? is this possible?
It is generally work for your web designer/Javascripter But if you send sample links to helpdesk, we will try to suggest something.
Actually I am the webmaster.... I'm new to php and java and have been doing html and flash for almost ten years now. If you go to my website, you will see what my problem is: www.badassparties.com. just click on the join button and sign up with any username/password. it is free right now til I get this fixed. I want to alway's keep the menu in the TOP frame and the content in the BOTTOM frame... You will see there are two differet menus, one for the members, and one for the non-members. When they click the logout or login link, I need the TOP frame to load a new set of menus and the BOTTOM frame to load the corresponding page (memebr page/intro page). you should be able to view the source of my pages. if not, let me know and I will send you the frames pages. Thanks! (Sorry for typing some much)