Hi, My developer and I have installed and set up the one-time download plugin to limit the number of times a given file (in this case a PDF) can be downloaded. We've specified the folder that should be protected under Setup/Configuration > One-time Downloads, set the limit to 2 downloads, and set this same limit in at the product level. But, when I navigate to the download URL, there is no limit on the number of times I can download the file. It's just coming through as a straight download, not being served by d.php. It seems we are missing part of the big picture here. Anybody else have this problem or know of a missing step? Thanks very much! Susan
Alexander, Is there a way to set up one-time download to apply PER file? For example, I noticed that I currently have the download limit set to 2 times, but I have 2 files that are protected. The desired result is that EACH of the 2 files can be downloaded 2 times. The actual result is that EITHER of the 2 files can be downloaded, up to a total of 2 times (in any combination). One more issue -- I am updating one of the files to the May edition of that report, and all of our first set of subscribers have reached their download limit already (since it's not file-specific). That means that none of them will be able to download the new edition of the report -- not even if I reset the limit under 'Manage Products.' ***How can I set the download limit to work on a per-file basis?*** Your help is greatly appreciated! Susan