Our own Signup Form that sends aMember the User Login?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by konnichiwawa, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. konnichiwawa

    konnichiwawa Guest

    We are having many problems that I think could be avoided if we used our own signup form instead of aMembers.

    It is possible to use our own signup form and then have our payment processor send aMember the user's login details?

    Thank you!
  2. dlollman

    dlollman New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
    You sure can, I do it.

    I use this at the beginning of the form:

    <form class="form-horizontal" action="/amember/signup/index" id="page-0" method="post">

    Essentially all I did was take the HTML from the form on amember's site, made sure to keep the same form field names and post it to that page and it works just fine.

    I don't want to post all of my code but an example of one of the fields:

    <input type="text" name="name_f" id="name_f-0" placeholder="First name">

    Don't forget the product field too.

    Hope that helps a little.

    This of course is assuming you are putting this into aMember's database. From your post I am not sure what you are trying to get around for your payment processor but this might be a good first step for you, not sure. You can do whatever processing in the script on the backend you need to if you need to send the login to two places, or whatever.
  3. konnichiwawa

    konnichiwawa Guest

    Hi dlollman,

    Thanks for the reply! Actually I think what you're talking about doing is customizing the join form, but still using the amember code.

    I'm wondering if we can skip over the amember join form completely.

    I would like to send the user straight to the credit card processor's form. Our processor can allow the user to create a username and password. The processor can also send out that un/pw to membership management software.

    I'm just not sure if aMember has the ability to receive a un/pw from a processor.

    Any ideas?! Thanks!
  4. glyn_szasz

    glyn_szasz New Member

    Feb 4, 2013
    Just bumping this thread as I too am intereseted in the above mentioned ability to use your own form processor which will then send the newly setup users name and password to aMember.
  5. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    As described above.

    Within your own page construct a form using the same variables as the original. The forms 'Action' should be action="/amember/signup/index" and method="post".

    You can then design your form anyway you wish and when submitted it will be sent to same script as the original aMember one.

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