Hi, I guess I need my site to be P3P compliant to have the amember built in affiliate stuff to work. My problem lies in that I'm new to web development and the process to get your site working with P3P seems very difficult. I've read what it is and also see products that will make the file for you. Also saw a free IBM one. But I'm still lost. If it is just a file I need to upload to my root folder, can someone send me a sample file so I can just change what needs to be changed. Maybe I'm just an idiot and don't even need it. My site is small and I don't have a need for a privacy policy, etc. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, -B
I don't think you have to have a P3P policy. This was tried for an older version of IE, and I dont think they bothered to follow it up. Unless someone else has another opinion? David