We are requiring a 14 charachter password when people sign up - we set that property in aMember config. If a user generates a password in their account though, it is only generating a 9 character password and that password won't work because it's not meeting the new requirements. We've had to revert to the 9 character password, but I don't like it. Is there a way to set it up in aMember to make the generate function match the config settings. And add this to the feature request: I'd like to force people to generate new passwords every XX days. As you can tell, I've been hacked (aMember 3) previously and we're doing everything we can to lock down our installation.
Latest version already should use 14 symbols as max value in generatePassword function: function generatePassword(){ // a bit of configuration $min_length = max($this->getDi()->config->get('pass_min_length', 8), 8); $max_length = min($this->getDi()->config->get('pass_max_length', 12), 14); What aMember version do you have uinstalled.
This is important too: And add this to the feature request: I'd like to force people to generate new passwords every XX days.
Please submit ticket to helpdesk with access info. I think this is better to implement such functionality as a plugin: http://bt.amember.com/issues/1139