Pay Per Minute

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by dyter07, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. dyter07

    dyter07 New Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    Hi there, just testing the Free Trial Version and the product is realy great, I like it.

    I need to setup a "Pay per Minute" Solution for a videochat site.

    Anyone having experience in this matter? It should be possible to make it...
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Unfortunately, aMember is unable do per minute billing.
  3. dyter07

    dyter07 New Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    Regarding this matter I made some steps forward the last days. Can you tell me how aMember handels the "amember_payments amount" field?

    Because if aMember is updating this field every time on a purchase with the amount of money purchased than we may have the solution here allready. But by testing it manualy with a sample $10 transaction the amount is not added to the allready existing amount, its just writing $10 over. So if e.g. someone would have ordered $10 one time, than spends $3 and wants to order another $10 to the $7 left the result is $10 and not $17. Got what I mean? ;)
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Could you explain how do you want to implement your task, then I will be able to give you exact suggestion.
    aMember payments.amount field can be changed different ways and its behaviour depends on payment processor.
  5. dyter07

    dyter07 New Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    Thanks, I use CCBill by the way.

    On a sucessful purchase the amount of the purchase must be added (!) to "amember_payments amount" thats all. Right now its simply overwriting the amount regardsless which amount is still in the field.

    Example: Client is buying for $10 and spends $3 in Videochat he will have $7 left. The right way is now when he will buy another $10 he must have $17 in the field. In the moment when he is buying the field is going up to $10.

    This way amember could handle pay per minute easely as far as I can say.

    Thanks a lot Alex ;)
  6. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Here is right way :) described:
    1. You add 3 hidden fields to member profile (aMember CP -> Add Fields (SQL))
    balance - $ actual balance
    balance_credit - $ paid by member
    balance_debit - $ used by member
    2. You need to create a file amember/ and implement the following hooks as described in the manual:
    - update_payments($payment_id)
    - finish_waiting_payment($payment_id)
    and code something like that in amember/

    function fwp($payment_id){
    $p $db->get_payment($payment_id);
    $u $db->get_user($p['member_id']);
    /// find out balance_credit 
    $bc 0;
      foreach (
    $db->get_user_payments($p['member_id'], 1) as $pp){
    $bc += $pp['amount'];
    $u['balance_credit'] = $bc;
    $u['balance'] = $u['balance_credit'] - $u['balance_debit'];
    $db->update_user($p['member_id'], $u);
    That way balance and balance_credit in user profile will be automatically maintained. You should not change payment records manually or with code at all.
    3. In your code, you should maintain balance_debit and balance fields, and check value of balance field for decision - give access or not.

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