This system uses Paypal, but incorporates affiliates into the mix. Does aMember support this payment option (it is not listed) by just selecting the Paypal plugin?
Sorry Alex. I think I already know the answer. I was referring to ( I had expected to see it in the list of payment processor plugins as it is an up-and-coming competitor to Clickbank. Since it wasn't I thiought maybe I could use the Paypal plugin for since their system is setup to accept payments via Paypal, but adds in the ability to have an affiliate program (unlike Paypal). However, on thinking about this more, it wont be possible, since they use a custom payment URL which would have to be supported by aMember. If I have confused you, dont worry. In the future I will contact you via the support desk, and ask if there is any way to include this payment processor, and what info you need to do so. I currently use Clickbank for most products, but hate the way my affiliate program is "open to all" (something I can control in
Well, answer here: We need docs to determine anything regarding integration.
I too, would like to know the answer... I know almost nothing about but it could be a nice option for some of us in my opinion . Tomas
Sorry, but it is not to discuss here. If someone actually needs it, please contact us as described. Thanks!