Payment info still required for free trial

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by jsubbi, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. jsubbi

    jsubbi New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    I want to add a 10-day free trial (a stand-alone product) that is completely free. I entered a zero for Price and a zero for the Trial 1 Price. When you go to the signup page, however, it still requires you to select a payment system (I have and PayPal setup for other paid products).

    Is there any way that users can sign up for the free trial without having to provide their payment information?

    I have the Free Payment plugin activated. I can't use Assign paysystem to product since I need to offer the choice of both payment systems to my other products, and you can select only one payment system per product.
  2. dan_kelly

    dan_kelly New Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    This is not possible with aMember. And, you wouldn't want to do it anyway.

    If you do not take their payment information, then they would need to come back to your website and go through the payment process. Bad for you because people are very unlikely to come back and make that payment later.

    It's also a hassle for the people who do want to continue their membership, because they have to come back and find the payment button and go through the checkout process.

    Just put some text (or better yet, a video) on the signup.html explaining what's going to happen and why.

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