Is it possible to direct a possible member to a specific url for each subscription. Ex....we have 3 different subscription offers. One is for a base for a discounted price and one with a trial leading up to full subscription. The last 2 are hidden on the sign up page as they are special offers. We would like to have the last 2 subscriptions seperate from the signup page...but not in member profile page either. We would like to give the possible member the option to click on a link outside of the signup page that takes them to the specific subscription of their in a pop up that will appear if they are leaving the site. In shorter there a specific url for each product that we can link to with a button?
You can use price groups for this. For example if product have negative price_group =-1 You can use this link : /amember/signup.php?price_group=-1 /amember/member.php?tab=add_renew&price_group=-1