Whenever I send a test payment through, the transaction gets completed and aMember registers the user...everything works except that whatever was purchased is not automatically subscribed to. I return from the Paypal site back to my Members area to see that I am not subscribed to what I just bought. I've searched the forum, and cannot find any solid answers...and I checked all of my settings dozens of times. I don't understand why this isn't working. Please, any help is greatly appreciated as I am setting to launch my site January 1st. Thanks!
Please have a look to aMember Cp -> Error Log. what do you see? If you submit full information to helpdesk, support specialists will be happy to help you once they back from holidays.
Thanks for the reply! I did send in a request, when do they get back? This is one of the many attempts I made... Code: paypal_r ERROR: Paypal payment status is [Pending], IPN message will be ignored It is not an error or a problem, just a status message for your information transaction_subject => Developers License txn_type => web_accept payment_date => 15:05:51 Dec 30, 2010 PST last_name => User residence_country => US pending_reason => unilateral item_name => Developers License payment_gross => 87.00 mc_currency => USD payment_type => instant protection_eligibility => Ineligible verify_sign => AnPnvxEVsPlsasEu.KQ.GSjPU1SWASCthi44TsEnPBMPyV2PvG9U4ofb payer_status => verified test_ipn => 1 tax => 0.00 payer_email => alex_1293675331_per@kolakube.com txn_id => 6FN72634NW356760X quantity => 1 receiver_email => alex@kolakube.com first_name => Test invoice => 62-RWT payer_id => EB4PMD4TY74U2 item_number => handling_amount => 0.00 payment_status => Pending shipping => 0.00 mc_gross => 87.00 custom => charset => windows-1252 notify_version => 3.0
You may try to ask PayPal support why your payments (provide transaction#) are marked as "pending" and "unilateral". aMember handles everything correctly in this case, and once problem is resolved on paypal side it will start to work immediately.