Paypal Cancellations Not Processed

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by Daddio64, Oct 9, 2003.

  1. Daddio64

    Daddio64 Guest

    PayPal recurring payments are working beautifully (500 signups in one week) except for cancellations.

    When a member cancels their payment through PayPal, the cancellation is not recorded in aMember, it is still active. In the DEBUG INFO: payment system actions I can see the payment and the cancellation are recorded (txn_type subscr_cancel), but the Paid & Status fields still show YES & Active. Is there something simple I'm missing about how this works?
  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Everything works correct - subscription will be terminated when PAID period expires.
    Member cancelled future payments, but he didn't receive refund, isn't it? Why terminate his access?

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