PayPal Pro: "Payment failed : SuccessWithWarning" User gets billed but no product

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mikelinen, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. mikelinen

    mikelinen New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    I have this repeatable error with PayPal Pro (live) where the user gets this notice in red at the top of the payment page:

    "Payment failed : SuccessWithWarning"

    If I study the logs it says the payment was accepted. And in fact, the payment does come into my bank account. However Amember treats it as a failure and does not add the product to the member's account.

    Apparently the "Payment Failed" portion of that message is coming from amember.
    And the SuccessWithWarning is coming from PayPal

    I searched SuccessWithWarning on PayPals documentation, and it says it leads to a pending acceptance of the money that then clears after 30 days. However in my case the transaction is actually fully completed in my account, not pending, so that documentation is apparently incorrect. So apparently, in fact, I keep the money, and user gets no product. And there is no way I would have noticed that problem. User would have screamed later when he/she saw the charge on their credit card.

    I could be wrong, but I think there is a change needed in Amember code. It should handle PayPal’s SuccessWithWarning response correctly, though I am not sure what the correct thing to do is. Grant access to the product? Or do not and then notify me to refund the charge? In either case, we need to display a different message to the user than “Payment failed : SuccessWithWarning” since that is nonsensical.

    By the way, the user error that led to all this was the user entered the wrong number of security code digits for their card, which is actually okay with PayPal given my settings (extra Fraud control not turned on). I was able to repeat the same error. While that digit error may be rare, I suspect there are other issues that could lead to SuccessWithWarning, so probably needs a fix in amember.

    Here’s the error portion of the log:

    [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] = Transaction approved but with invalid CSC format.
    [L_LONGMESSAGE0] = This transaction was approved. However, the Card Security Code provided had too few, too many, or invalid character types but, as per your account option settings, was not required in the approval process.
    [L_SEVERITYCODE0] = Warning
    [L_ERRORPARAMID0] = ProcessorResponse
    [AMT] = 1.00
    [AVSCODE] = Z
    [CVV2MATCH] = I
    [TRANSACTIONID] = 6RE768846S957053E
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Thanks for the info. I've fixed this issue. I'm going to send you updated file via email.
  3. mikelinen

    mikelinen New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Thanks so much!
    Curious, will a "SuccessWithWarning" now lead to a fulfilled product... is that the fix?
    Thanks, Michael
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Yes exactly. SuccessWithWarning is positive response, and it was handled as "Success" in aMember v3 as well.

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