Paypal Pro plugin not working

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by ges33, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. ges33

    ges33 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    I'm using v4.1.11 with Paypal Pro plugin to test subscriptions, I'm coming up with the same problem over and over. aMember adds an extra day after the trial period. After first trial period, payments do not line up with access records--they're happening on different days and should be concurrent.
    I've attached a two day subscription below. You can see that the dates of Payments do not coincide with the dates of User Access.
    Has this been fixed in v4.1.12?
    extra day between payment 1 and 2.jpg
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Yes this was fixed in aMember 4.1.12 access records will always start of the same days when aMember add payment.
  3. ges33

    ges33 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    What about that extra day gap after the first payment? Was that fixed in 4.1.12?
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    No, it is expected behaviour.

    If user signs up at 23:50 01/Jan/2012, what must be the expiration date?
    Unfortunately, aMember and most payment systems can operate with dates only and not with time, so it is better to give customer some time for free to avoid conflicts.
  5. ges33

    ges33 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    Okay, that makes sense. Then, I think what you're saying is: User Access records will now reflect that extra day on the first payment? So, the second payment in User Records (in the example above) would have a start date of 2/01/12 instead of 1/31/12? Now both User Record and Payment will happen on same day? User Records will take into account that extra day on first payment? Is that right?
  6. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Not exactly. How it works:
    aMember receives payments according to payment schedule (at least for PayPal and most other paysystems).
    Once payment is received, it makes a "payment" record in database (date is equal to actual payment date), and adds an "access" record.
    In 4.1.12 we have changed "access" start date calculation. Before 4.1.12, it was always set to previous "access" date. Now, it is calculated as MAX of today date and previous "access" date.

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