We have created a PayPal sandbox account and we are configuring PayPal_Pro on our website sandbox. I was able to send IPN through PayPal Sanbox, however, when I try to actually sign up for something (using PayPal or cc), I'm getting the error below: Internal processing error : Authentication/Authorization Failed (10002) You do not have permissions to make this API call Could you please comment this issue? Thanks
I am having this same problem, I contacted paypal and they said there was nothing wrong with the sandbox setup, and to get the "API request and response". I do not know where this is? Can anyone shed some light on this?
First make sure that you enable all these API permissions for API user that configured inside aMember: SetExpressCheckout GetExpressCheckoutDetails DoExpressCheckoutPayment DoVoid CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile DoDirectPayment ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile API request and response info can be found in payment details within aMember CP: aMember CP -> Payments -> Edit Payment -> Debug info