My site has Photopost Classifieds, integrated with Vbulletin, does aMember integrate with this setup? If so, I would like to only alow Paid seller members to post ads that sells stuff and all to view. Wanted ads are allow to all to post and only Paid members can view them. Can this be done? Which Plug-in do I need? vbulletin or photopost or both? Thanks
If your PhotoPost classifieds is configured to use vBulletin users database, then it will work and you will need only vBulletin integration plugin for aMember.
Alex, I know that aMember can detect to prevent multible users sharing the access. Using VB subscription system, a user can gives out his vb user/pass to their friends to go into restricted area. If I use VB & aMember plugin and create the access levels using VB subscription built-in feature, would aMember helps to prevent a user sharing his/her access?
Unfortunately, aMember has no control on vBulletin login process even after integration, so protection won't work.