I upgraded to PHP 5.2.5 but after the upgrade received the following error: "Site error: the file /home/blabla/public_html/amember/rconfig-ioncube.inc.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator." A call to my server tech support revealed that PHP 5.2.5 no longer supports the Ion Cube loader. Any idea on how to upgrade to PHP 5.2.5 and get around this Ion Cube issue?
What did you upgrade from? When I went from PHP 4.xx to 5.2.2 I received an error message that was probably similar to yours and simply phoned company hosting my site and they simply included the Ion Cube Loader and problem solved all within the space of quarter of an hour. Get back to your hosting company. I am with Liquid Web with a private virtual server but that shouldn't make any difference I would have thought. Have you run the aMember compatability program? If so with what results?
The issue here is that after PHP 5.2.5 there is no PHP support for Ion Cube, at least that's what my hosting provider claims. I had them roll me back to PHP 5.2.4 and everything now works fine. I was previously at 5.2.3, which is higher than the version you are using. The problem will only arise after PHP 5.2.5 We use Scan Alert - Hacker Safe on our site and they require the latest version of PHP for compliance.
PHP Upgrade 5.5.5 - any problems to anticipate? My hosting company is upgrading to PHP 5.2.5 from 4.4.4 --- tomorrow 3/8. I am using aMember Pro 3.0.9. What problems, if any, should I be concerned about? Or, is there anythign to do except hold my breath and pray? Any help is greatly appreciated!