Dear sir or madam, I currently already have a php nuke website that i am building. Not yet exposed but being developed, and of course i purchased the famous amember, not realising before how it would integrate. I have noticed around the forums, statements regarding a php nuke plugin, but with me already having a website, would this plugin still be needed. I understand also an explanation stating to integrate i would need nsn groups, but there's a problem there also, i tried that program previously, but half of it would not work, so after many attempts with different actual php nuke modules, and none working, i reverted to buying amember, not realising nsn groups would be required. I have realised though that i really require the whole of my php nuke website user configurations and the Your Account, to be configured with the account with amember. Because of how my website has turned out, i am not sure how to correctly configure what parts for all relating to account, login/logout, signup, members page, etc, which has to be changed. I followed instructions about a couple of login/logout and a signup link, but nothing seems to work, because the correct signuplink, when subscription created, will not save when edited with the link in, such as the language/lang_english file or modules/your account/language/lang_english. I seems to get page errors. Some one please advice me, is there any way to change your account links to point to the account in amember, and combine to the same status of account in php nuke forums, users and your account throughout php nuke. Any one who can kindly help me would be dearly appreciated.