I have gone though my aMem/phpBB3 set up very carefully, have the db transferred from aMem to phpBB3 okay and all that... but am getting unintended consequences. When you click on the forum after aMem registration, you should go here: http://www.mysite.com/membercontent/forum/ Instead it takes registered users here: http://www. mysite.com/amember/plugins/protect/new_rewrite/login.php?v=-8,3&url=/ membercontent/ forum/ My product settings seem okay-- other products work fine, but the phpBB3 plugin sends people to the second URL and an error message appears telling people who are already logged on that they need to logon. Any thoughts, suggestions, fixes? Thanks.
Sound like you have the directory protected with folder protection but the user is not getting properly logged into amember. If you log into amember, then manually to the forum folder what happens? David