Discussion in 'Integration' started by pascalevdb, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. pascalevdb

    pascalevdb Member

    May 30, 2007
    Has anyone used PHPfox with their amember database? If so, how has it worked out.

    Here's what I want:

    Our current members to have a personal page. If possible, I would like their personal page to be public (don't know if it can be)

    On our site, our members have access to full-length workout videos. If their page can be public---I'd like them to be able to reference their favorite workout videos with a link to a preview of the workout.

    On the public page they could login to the protected area where they access the full workout videos and modify their page

    Once they log in, they can modify their page AND access the workout videos.

    Does anyone have any advice? Thank you in advance.

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