I have done a bit of searching and I haven't been able to find answers to the following: I have created a stand alone php page that begins the signup process. I have payment history on this page, but I would also like to have the cancel link. How can I pull the cancel link info a php page. I would also like to dynamically create the payment system dropdown list, but I can't find it in the tables. Where is this pulled from. Thanks for any assistance! Regards, Rick
Here is how cancel link created for cc_core based plugins: Code: function cc_core_get_cancel_link($plugin, $payment_id){ global $cc_core, $config, $db; $p = $db->get_payment($payment_id); $member = $db->get_user($p['member_id']); $action='cancel_recurring'; $v = get_cc_info_hash($member, $action); if (!$p['data']['CANCELLED']) return "{$config[root_surl]}/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc.php?" ."action=$action&payment_id=$payment_id&" ."member_id={$p[member_id]}&v=$v"; } In regards to paysystems, have a look in /amember/member.php : $paysystems = get_paysystems_list();