Please Explain User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by ak48avk, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. ak48avk

    ak48avk Angela Kane

    Aug 9, 2010
    This setting is missing from the documentation.

    I am trying out the Affiliate Program - I have set the cookie period to 90 days but I'm not sure about this setting.

    User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime
    how long (in days) calculate commission for referred affiliate
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Cookie lifetime - it is maximum period (in days) from click of affiliate link to user signup, when user will be counted as referred by given affiliate.

    User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime - for every user payment aMember will count number of days from signup date to payment date. If more than "x" days passed, affiliate commission will not be calculated. So if you configure it as "90", affiliate will receive his commission only for user payments within first 90 days after customer signup.
  3. ak48avk

    ak48avk Angela Kane

    Aug 9, 2010
    Yes, thank you. That makes good sense.
  4. thelady100

    thelady100 Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    So if I tell my affiliates that I offer lifetime cookies (set at 99999), but the User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime is set at the default of 30, then doesn't that mean that my affiliate gets paid if a referred customer buys only within 30 days after signup? But if that same referred customer buys again 4 months later, then the affiliate doesn't earn a commission?

    Please clarify as this is important that I set this up correctly for my affiliates to benefit from their referrals.
  5. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime default is not 30 as I remember, default is empty value which means - unlimited.

    Yes, it will work exactly as you described. Set this setting to large value or to zero and this functionality will be disabled.
  6. thelady100

    thelady100 Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Okay, here's another question. This is what I want to do. Please tell me how I set up amember for that. Here's the explanation:

    Affiliate "A" has potential for lifetime cookies (after a potential customer (we'll call him customer "AB") clicks on a link but doesn't order at the time).

    HOWEVER, if a second affiliate (affiliate "B") promotes that same product through his/her own affiliate link which gets clicked on by customer "AB," and a purchase happens through Affiliate "B's" link, then Affiliate "B" is credited the commission. Now when customer "AB" comes back to your site a few weeks/months later, and has not clicked on anyone else's links in the meantime, then Affiliate "B" gets the commission again (unless that customer revisited Affiliate "A's" site in the meantime).

    How do I set up amember to make this happen? Thanks!
  7. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    This can do done as customization only.
    Currently, after registration, user will be assigned to affiliate and even if later he will click on another affiliate link, that assignment will not be changed.
  8. thelady100

    thelady100 Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    Alexander, how much for this customization? Thanks.
  9. dxcompany

    dxcompany New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    is there anyway to set User-Affiliate Relation Lifetime to unlimited, but if member buy another product, affiliate get no commission anymore. so it's actually 1 product commission only.

    f.e :
    I have 2 products, member A buy product A under Affiliate#1 link, member A then pay for it 2 weeks later. member A also buy product B. how to make Affiliate#1 get commission from product A. but not from product B ?

  10. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Create two custom commission rules:
    Product A :
    commission for first payment : actual commission amount.
    commission for rebills: 0
    Product B :
    commission for first payment : 0
    commission for rebills: 0

    So, when user make first payment for product A he will receive commission, and he won't get it in any other cases.

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