Hi I'm using the Plimus plugin in addition to paypal for the people who don't have a paypal account and unfortunately I'm forced to add manually the recurring transactions. The initial transaction works well. But not the recurring ones. I checked the error log and I found this: In the plimus plugin source code I searched for this error and it should normally show the payment number in question. PHP: $db->log_error("Error occured in plimus payment number $payment_id:<br />\n$err"); So I looked at how $payment_id was retrieved and I found this: PHP: $vars = get_input_vars();$payer_email = $vars['email'];$invoice = $vars['referenceNumber'];$payment_status = $vars['transactionType'];$payment_gross = $vars['contractPrice'];$contr_id = $vars['contractId'];$payment_id = $vars['customProductID']; According to the plimus IPN documentation "customProductID" is not a variable that is being sent: https://secure.plimus.com/html/httpNotificationVariable.html So I don't see how $payment_id could have the correct value. Is there a way to fix this plugin to work with recurring subscriptions? I'm willing to pay for this as it's very borring to add those recurring subscriptions manually. Thanks, - HF