We can not get the new Plimus plugin to work - we are getting a "PLIMUS DEBUG (process_postback): invoice [] not found." error. We have linked the product to plimus payment system and have also added the custom1 field in the plimus control panel, marked as active and mandatory.
Do you try to use plimus in front of amember? If so you need latest plugin files. Contact us in helpdesk we will send them.
We have received the latest plugin, we have also created a ticked and are in contact with Andrey but its taking too long, could you please help speed things up a little ?
I would also like to add that we are not using amember to collect any data before forwarding to Plimus. Orders are made directly at plimus servers and IPN is set to amember plimus ipn dir.
_plug_pay_plimus_error I also have problems with the plimus plugin. Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance
Plimus seems to be working now. I only have one question left: The receipt id numbers from plimus are not showing up in the payment report inside aMember. And now i have to place these id's by hand. Can you help me with this? Thanks in advance.
Hi Alexander, Could you please help me with the amember redirect url? After payment is done amember redirects to a broken url? Thanks in advance!
Not sure I understood what redirect you mean. When you redirected from plimus to aMember? (if so this should be configured in your plimus account) or when you click login on thanks page? If so check amember CP -> manage products -> Edit product -> product url for all products.
Thanks alexander for your answer! I've sent you an email yesterday wich contains the redirect url. I will also check in amember CP -> manage products -> Edit product -> product url for all products.