Plug In Developers - Hubspot Integration

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by jigsawtrading, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. jigsawtrading

    jigsawtrading aMember Pro Customer

    Sep 28, 2012

    I am looking for a developer to make a small additional hubspot integration for me.

    Hubspot have something called their "eCommerce Bridge" -

    The way it would need to work would be to post details after each sale/payment to the ecommerce bridge.

    Here's the exact steps I think we should take.

    Step 1) When a sale is made - create a contact
    Returns 200 response on success, including details for the contact (contact id)
    Returns 409 response if a user exists with that email address, (contact id)
    Returns 400 on error

    If we get return code 200 or 409, then we will have the contact id of an existing contact.

    This will return the id of the contact.

    Step 2) We then need to Create a Deal (overview

    Deal Name can be Product Name (from aMember) + Amember invoice id
    Deal will be associated with the contact id from step 1
    Close Date will be current date
    Value will be invoice amount
    dealtype is "Closed won" in Hubspot web site but I think it's "closedwon" in the API

    That should do it. Obviously we already have access to the API.

    Please PM me if you can do it, along with the cost & how long it will take. Hubspot integration exists in aMember already, just not these endpoints.

    Best regards


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