Pre-purchase questions

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by kcksum, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. kcksum

    kcksum New Member

    Jan 22, 2006
    Hi, I am considering using amember to auto subscriptions of a website.

    I have some questions that need answering first.

    1. Is the code customizable? - I am an experienced php, smarty programmer.
    - basicly, I need to be able to modify things like user form, add fields from existing tables (drop downs ect..)
    - change what fields are required and not
    - modify menu options (remove ones not needed), add ones I create

    basicly the question is the core code encrypted like the demo, or can ?

    2. I noticed you do not support trustcommerce, in my experience they have some of the best re-occuring billing out there. with advanced php skills, what is the time to market of a payment addon? or does amember take requests to create payment gateway plugins?

    3. I noticed you have products defined as re-occuring, and not the actual payment types. we offer 1 product with 2 ways to pay, 1: pay for the year, and 2: pay for the year in 12 payments. Does the system offer support for this?

  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    1. Almost everything is easy to customize, at least 99% of code is open.
    Only 2 files are encoded in Pro.

    2. If you provide integration docs to helpdesk, we will determine if integration is possible.

    3. Yes, it is possible, why not. If payment processor supports this!

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