Price groups an categories

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by thared33, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. thared33

    thared33 Member

    Dec 11, 2009
    I've searched around a little but I can't seem to find an answer :confused:

    Two things:

    1) I've got a few different subscriptions and all of them seem to be bunched together from the dropdown menu. I'd like to get them spaced apart, vertically, a little bit. How would I do that?

    2) On every subscription I would like to add an option to get it recurring. For example there would be the simple view of the products that you can select in the round thing that you click, and once that is selected, on the side of it would be a square checkbox where they can select if they want it recurring or not. That would be two products in one, I guess.

    There may be another way to set this up and if so let me know what you think. I looked for a page where it explains how to set up price groups and categories of products but I haven't found anything.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Well you can do this only if you will customize signup/member templates and hardcode html for products select.
    There is no way to allow this from settings.

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