Pricing and Payment Type on Same Page?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by konnichiwawa, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. konnichiwawa

    konnichiwawa Guest

    For a monthly membership site, is it possible to have the pricing options and the payment type on the same page? I do not mean different "payment plugins," I mean payment "types" which are offered within a plugin.

    For example:

    Pay by Credit Card
    Pay by Check
    Pay by (other type)

    Thanks! :D
  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    When you build a checkout page using the Forms generator, you can put as many price plans and payment processors on the page as you want.
  3. konnichiwawa

    konnichiwawa Guest

    Hi Grant,

    Thanks for the reply, but actually I am talking about "payment types," not "payment processors." Payment types would be the payment options that a Processor offers such as Credit Card, Debit, EU Debit, Check, ect.

    We have one Processor that handles all payment types, but we need a way to send the user over to their correct form: credit, debit, eu debit, ect. Their forms are different depending on how the user will pay.

    Our aMember signup form should work like this:

    -User makes a un/pw
    -User chooses a join option
    -User chooses a payment type: credit, debit, eu debit, ect. <- Current Problem
    -User selects "Next" and is taken to the correct Processor form based on payment type.

    Hopefully this is possible!

  4. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    The payment types are supported by a specific payment processor. Why don't you simply send them to the same checkout page and let the payment processor handle which choice they want to use?

    I do not think want to do is supported by the current aMember code.
  5. konnichiwawa

    konnichiwawa Guest

    Hi Grant, I would love to send the user to one page and let the payment processor handle the choice, but that does not seem possible. The payment processor uses different forms for different payment types, so I have to send them to the right form from the start.

    It seems very common to see a join page where the options are a list of payment types. I imagine before buying a membership, a visitor is first considering if they want to use a credit card, debit card, ect. more than which processing company will handle their transaction. Hopefully this is a feature we will see in the future!

    In the meantime if I find a solution, I will update this post.


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