Problem with Amember members and Wordpress Sync

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by taketwonetwork, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. taketwonetwork

    taketwonetwork New Member

    Jan 22, 2013

    I have managed to get Amember up and running without any issues and also followed the wordpress plugin video step-by-step. Now everything seems to be fine apart from one major issue I am finding..

    When a Active amember member logs into to my website I want them to also be logged in via Wordpress or at least so Wordpress thinks that the user is logged in at the same time on both ends.

    Right now the member can login to amember fine but it is not showing the member as logged into wordpress as well. There is a 'Amember Active' tab in the Wordpress Users which shows Amember members logged in but just not in wordpress?

    How can I fix this issue its really important any help would be apperciated.

    I am running Amember in the root under 'Amember' folder and have Wordpress also in the root but not in a 'wordpress' folder just wp-admin / wp-content etc.. in the root.

    I also have Amember and Wordpress on two seperate Mysql databases but on the same host/server.

  2. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    Your setup sounds right. It should be logging you into WordPress when user logs into aMember. It does work.

    I watched the video (which I didn't make) and it looks to be accurate. However, if you want to go back over the setup you can double check your work against the written text (with screen captures), which I did write.

    The three modules that relate to the the WordPress/aMember login connection are:
    1. Activate the WordPress Module
    2. Configure the WordPress Module
    3. Assign a WordPress User Level to a Product
    Make sure you assign a WordPress role of "Subscriber", or higher, to any membership product that could be used for logging in.
  3. taketwonetwork

    taketwonetwork New Member

    Jan 22, 2013
    Thank you Gswaim, I can not really risk setting it all up again due to the majority of the work has been completed.

    I have assigned the paid members the role of "Subscriber".

    I also tried adding the WP login widget to a page and tried loggin in with one of the active test accounts, but when I click login via the WP login widget it directs me to the amember login page?

    So it is not allowing users to login via Wordpress at all just Amember and it is showing that they are Active/logged in via the 'Amember Active' tab?

    I will go over the docs you have provided now, but I just can not put my finger on it..
  4. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    With the WordPress/aMember integration you cannot log users in through WordPress. They log into aMember which will then log them into WordPress.

    The very first page in the aMember WordPress Documentation (Integration Overview - Please Read First) covers this as follows:

    1. Make sure WordPress registration is turned off.
    2. Make sure "Redirect profile page to aMember" is checked in aMember's WordPress (WP) plugin (this helps keep users out of the WP back end).
    3. Install the aMember Widget, not aWordPress login widget, on at least the homepage.
    4. Set aMember to redirect to your WordPress homepage at login/logout:
      1. From aMember Admin CP
      2. Click on "Configuration" in the left menu panel
      3. Click on "Setup/Configuration" in the left menu panel
      4. Click on the "Login Page" button in the top menu panel
      5. Set "Redirect after login" to "Fixed URL" to your WP homepage.
      6. Might as well make the above setting to "Redirect after logout"
      7. At this point when a registered user logs into the aMember Widget, they should be logged in and taken to the WP home page. If this does not happen I recommend to submit a ticket to aMember support because somebody is going to have to look at the install.
    One last thing. Make sure you are not trying to log in with your admin account. With this setup the site admin should have an admin account in the WP install and in the aMember install. When you want to work in WP log in with on the "/wp-admin" page. When you want to work in aMember log in on the "/admin" page. Do not try to link these two accounts.

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