Just tried a live test with Authorizenet and got this error, any ideas? "CURL extension disabled - cannot process transaction!"
OK, what is Curl? And why isn't it compiled in php? How do I get Curl? Is one Curl better than another Curl?
What kind of server are you using? Is it your own server? or do you have a shared hosting account? If you own server, what control panel are you using -- if Cpanel, its as easy and typing a few commands in shell. If you're on shared hosting, you'll have to ask your web host (or beg... depending on the host )
I have a dedicated server (linux), after I login there is a graphic that says "Web admin panel" so prolly isn't c-panel??
If you have shell access type this command: locate curl This will show where it is. Many distros of linux have it. Tom
/usr/bin/curl /usr/doc/curl-ssl /usr/lib/python1.5/macurl2path.py /usr/lib/python1.5/macurl2path.pyc /usr/lib/python1.5/macurl2path.pyo /usr/local/var/cache/apt/archives/curl-ssl_6.0-1.2_i386.deb /usr/local/var/cache/apt/archives/curl-ssl_7.9.5-2_all.deb /usr/local/var/cache/apt/archives/curl_7.9.5-1_i386.deb /usr/local/var/cache/apt/archives/libcurl2-ssl_7.9.5-2_i386.deb /usr/local/var/lib/dpkg/info/curl-ssl.list /usr/local/var/lib/dpkg/info/curl-ssl.md5sums /usr/local/var/lib/dpkg/info/curl-ssl.postinst /usr/local/var/lib/dpkg/info/curl-ssl.prerm /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl/changelog.Debian.gz /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl/changelog.gz /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl/copyright /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl/README /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl/README.curl.gz /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl/README.libcurl /usr/share/doc/curl-ssl/TODO /usr/share/man/man1/curl.1.gz Alex just replied to my email about this though: AuthorizeNet.AIM plugin use CURL php extension to process transactions. Unfortunately, but this extension disabled at your hosting, so you not able to use this plugin. Try simple Authorize plugin. So maybe I should just try the simple Authorize plugin, what's the diff between the two anyway?
Given what I see in your output, you have curl installed. The following locations show an install: /usr/bin/curl and /usr/bin/curl-ssl Try typing in either of the above at the command line and I bet the system responds. Tom
Currently, aMember doesn't support using command-line curl tools, as it seems to be insecure. We can implement that easy, if you like.
I just emailed my host and I think they are going to take care of the Curl thing for me, I will let you know, thanks guys.