I was trying to help a customer using mod_auth_mysql plugin. The situation is like this. Customer has a chess gaming script (trychess and webchess) and he wants to train customers integrating through amember (amember because of my recommendation?!) and I was trying to do throug mod_auth_mysql. The user simply signup in amember and the admin would simply synchronise the databse through RebuidDB from amember control panel. I am now facing few problems: 1. Can RebuildDB can be automated, probably as cronjob, when a new member subscribed to a one particular product or the old member renewed the product subscription? 2. During synchronizing the database, the mod_auth_mysql.inc adds all the members to the other database. How can I just add the members who have subscribed only to that particular product? 3. Also during synchronizing, email field is left out (only, username, password and groups are added). How to insert email field also. Thanks in advance with regards
1. It is not necessary, aMember cron automatically checks and builds databases when necessary. Rebuild Db is only necessary sometimes, when there is no time to wait for cron job execution (for example, you've imported customers ). 2. You can check it by groups field in database - it shows which products user is subscribed to. 3. You can alter the table, and edit file amember/plugins/protect/mod_auth_mysql/mod_auth_mysql.inc.php it is really not a complex plugin.
Thanks alex, 1. What is the frequency of amember updating the databases. Can that frequency be changed? 2. I could add just the product i wanted with PHP: foreach ($m['product_id'] as $k=>$i) if ($i == 2){ $groups[] = "PRODUCT_$i"; and now it is just updating only the product with id = 2. Great 3. Still I could not update the mail. I was just doing with the following code PHP: $groups = join(',', $groups); $email = $m['email']; $db->query("INSERT INTO $m_db (nick, pw, groups, mail) VALUES ('$login', '$pwd', '$groups', '$email')"); I think the $email should pick up the email id and add to the database under mail. But it is not doing so. What is my mistake Yes it is quite a simple plugin to work with. thanks with regards