Problems (and solutions) with custom database ports

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by datehottergirls, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. datehottergirls

    datehottergirls New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
    Hey guys, so my latest project is located on 2 different servers and I've noticed that amember sometimes does not know how to negotiate custom database ports successfully.

    Here are my examples (all using the latest version - 4.2.17):
    inside /amember/application/configs/config.php I have my database specifications with the custom port. However I still need to make 2 different changes to make it work:

    /amember/library/am/ on line 502 (in the latest version) - you have to specify the custom port number in this connection string, by default it is not there

    /amember/library/am/App.php on line 962 - even though by default the port is "specified" here, for some reason it does not catch (my error logs say it is attempting to connect to port 110 when that is not my DB port). So i just hard code my port on this line.

    Just wanted to get this out there as a solution if anyone else is having the same problems.
  2. miso

    miso aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 22, 2006
    submit this in Bug Tracker ( as they might have to include this in the next release... not sure if they'll pick it up from the forum here.

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